Wednesday, July 18, 2012

I'm Melting

Looks like half the country is suffering from abnormal heat patterns so I know I'm not alone in this.  I live in the south.  This summer has been pretty standard for here,  I think.  Hot, hotter, and damn hot.  This is my 4th southern summer after moving from "Up North".  Even "Up North" has seen 100 degrees this summer and had heat advisories out just yesterday. 

This humidity makes me sweat.  I'm not a girl that is used to sweating.  I'm not a sports kinda girl.  If I ever sweat in the past, I knew I needed to stop doing whatever it was I was doing. About 10 years ago,  I remember my mother asking me if my head/scalp sweated.  It didn't then but now it does.  What's up with that?  It must be an age thing.  It's not attractive to look like I just came out of the pool when I'm in Target!   

I found two more tables to paint last week.  I can't do that because they both have been spray painted black over the original finish and I need to use a paint stripper to see what's under that paint.  To use a stripper, I  need to have them outdoors so I don't breathe in the fumes.  The directions on the can also say to use on a "cool" surface 60-85 degrees and out of the sun.  That leaves me out.  Before moving, we had a garage and that might have worked, but here at the condo, I don't.  That may be a fall project now.

So I'm a little grumpy that I can't do what I want to do because it's too darn hot.

Don't you love Maxine?  Thank you Hallmark for giving this woman of wisdom to us.

I think I'll take Maxine's advice.


Intense Guy said...

It's "fry an egg on the sidewalk" hot here too, today. Thankfully they say it will cool off tomorrow - heck... even a sweltering 90F would be better.

Anonymous said...

Your post about the heat made me chuckle :) It's miserable here, too.

I have cabin fever, from being stuck inside--and I have been stuck wearing house dresses for 2 darn weeks!

Hang in there, it'll be fall before we know it!

By the way, Ed's been waging war with the squirrels again. I'll post an update soon :)

Cheryl @ TFD said...

I know what you mean about the sweating. Never broke a sweat for years and now all I have to do is walk across an air conditioned room and I'm sweating! Yep, I think its an age thing. Hope it cools off soon and rains!

Far Side of Fifty said...

I am one big sweat bomb..or maybe it is one big hot flash that lasts from morning til night. My hair is continually wet..I hate it so I wear it least I can keep it off my neck and from dripping down my back. It has been a seriously hot few weeks. Slap me..cause I have gone nuts..I am looking forward to the snow:)

Anonymous said...

You should move to Hawaii, which is further south. We rarely hit 90 degrees. During July, the range has been low 70s to mid 80s.

Kay said...

I'm sorry for the heat you're suffering through. My daughter is telling me that it's roasting in Chicago as well.

Also, I should let you know that the Wordpress blog is my back-up. My "real" blog is:
That is where most of the "conversation" takes place. I'd love to see you again.

Chatty Crone said...

Sis you know Maxine is a man? sandie

Deanna said...

Hundred, hundred, and more hundreds. Records broken all around. I'm sick of this weather! Hopefully you'll be able to tackle your project soon!

Unknown said...

Found you blog on Far side of Fifty. Yes, you can expect the heat in the south but here in MN where I have bragged about our temperate summers ever since we moved here in retirement, the heat is awful. I despise heat more than cold. I tried an early 7:30AM walk and it was already too hot in the sun for me, so I will stick to water aerobics later today. I love Maxine too.

Kathy ... aka Nana said...

Even with almost all of August ahead of us, they've already announced that this is the hottest summer on record for my part of the country.

I'm glad to know that I'm not the only one who's scalp sweats ... and it doesn't take much at all to start the sweating. And with thin, fine hair, it doesn't take much to create a very unattractive look. I hate it!

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